Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama's words unbelievably sweet to hear!

It's almost unbelievable -- but incredibly exciting, too! Soon, we'll have someone in the White House who actually believes in things like education, renewable energy, and investing in America, and Americans.

Obama said his plan would launch “a two-year nationwide effort to jump-start job creation in America and lay the foundation for a strong and growing economy. We’ll put people back to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are failing our children, and building wind farms and solar panels,” as well as producing fuel-efficient cars.

Conservatives -- who want to pour all of our money into the U.S. military instead -- might call it pie-in-the-sky. I call it focusing on the real-world issues that matter most, to most Americans, and to most of the world, or transforming so-called "idealism" into "realism."

Wow, I almost can't believe it's happening!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A little dose of Nader reality?

After spending the last four hours surfing the internet and reading about Obama's win, both from American and foreign media, I came across a Real News Network interview with Ralph Nader that was quite sobering, and rubbed some of the sheen off the warm, fuzzy, giddy feeling I was having about the Obama win.

Basically, Nader points out that Obama hasn't shown a propensity to take on power, and that he received millions in donations from corporate America, which, along with the weapons contractors, ultimately runs America. He also points to Obama's flip on oil drilling, and to the fact that Obama has consistently left the poor, which Nader says accounts for 100 million Americans, off his rhetorical radar, and has referred only to the middle class (which, Nader points out, continues to shrink). Anyway, here's the link to the sobering interview with Ralph (whom I did vote for in the 2000 election, an election which saw George Bush win Colorado by 10 percentage points over Gore).

Beautifully blue!

I truly believe the world is a better place tonight (as corny as it sounds), and I once again have faith in the United States, and hope for global humanity. The graphic above -- from -- with a few words pasted in by me, says it all!